Recorded live, Saturday, July 15, 1989 8:30pm at the Allen Street Stage of the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts
1. Peaceful Man 2. Endorphin Jam 3. Art For War's Sake Suzie sings on 3, plays clarinet on 2, and tambourine throughout. Dave Conner sings on 1, and plays bongos throughout. Dave Bollinger, kit drums and Simmons. Doug Dubroski, tenor sax. 'Cosmic' Ray Cromie, bass. Keith 'Zig' Stewart, SIDnth I keyboard and percussion loop synthesizer, Roland Organ/Strings 09, DDD-5 Programming. |
The last session and recording i.e. made, albeit a significant change in direction as if a new departure. At this point in the life of i.e., Scott's creative impetus had moved-on to other projects including Art Flakey's Dank Messengers and Wormbelly. In order to fill the immense loss of Scott in the line-up, Zig brought in Suzie and brought back Dave, both of who provide extraordinary singing to the i.e. repetoire here. Suzie herself wrote lyrics for the i.e. standard "Art For War's Sake" appearing this once and only time. Her clarinet on "Endorphin Jam" adds the new color of a polyphonic reed chorus also appearing this once and only time along with Doug on tenor sax. Doug always had a penchant for Reggae, which Zig appeases here with a tune and lyrics he wrote, "Peaceful Man" that Dave sings rather well.
While a claim of "...opening for Sonny Rollins..." would not be precisely accurate, considering the proximity of the Allen Street Stage to the Festival Shell and the relative times of the two performances, and how an audience member may traverse that space during those times, a comment of that sort wouldn't present too great a warp in the space-time continuum which one may perceive while listening to the polyphonic reed chorus in "Endorphin Jam". The two reed players for i.e. did sound particularly inspired that evening, though the polyphonic reeds and driving 6/8 beat may more closely resemble one of Mingus' jams than Sonny's tunes. Then again, "Peaceful Man" having Reggae influences - from Jamaica, relative to Rollin's "St. Thomas" - indicates some proximity...