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Meditative Motivative

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1. Yesterday's Morning Dream (composed on piano Winter, Spring 1982, arranged, recorded June through October 1992)
          Chase (Track 1 as indexed on the original CD, length: 3:08)
          Flight (Track 2 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 3:08, length: 2:25)
          Erotique (Track 3 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 5:33, length: 5:57)
          Confrontation, Fight (Track 4 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 11:30, length: 3:33)
          Festive (Track 5 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 15:03, length: 5:07)
          Tranquil (Track 6 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 20:10, length: 8:17)
          Assured (Track 7 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 28:27, length: 1:40)

2. On My Mind (composed on piano Fall 1981, arranged, recorded January through May 1993)
          Introduction (Track 8 as indexed on the original CD, length: 0:59)
          Mystique (Track 9 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 0:59, length: 3:33)
          Intrigue (Track 10 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 4:32, length: 7:24)
          Ecstatique (Track 11 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 11:56, length: 5:05)
          Recapitulation (Track 12 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 17:01, length: 2:47)

3. Quid Pro Quo (composed on piano Fall 1982, arranged, recorded July through February 1994)
          Where I Live and What I Live For, i (Track 13 as indexed on the original CD, length: 5:12)
                                         ii (Track 14 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 5:12, length: 1:01)
                                         iii (Track 15 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 6:13, length: 2:37)
           The Weigh, i (Track 16 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 8:50, length: 5:20)
                               ii (Track 17 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 14:10, length: 5:21)
           The Price You Pay (Track 18 as indexed on the original CD, start time on mp3: 19:31, length: 6:56)

Meditative Motivative
Keith Stewart

The second of two CD releases by Zig of compositions he wrote originally on piano, which over time evolved into these definitive arrangements for synthesizer and, on several occasions, including small band accompaniment. The liner notes themselves seem to have a new-agey tone whereas the album itself more firmly represents the Progressive (mostly electronic symphonic) Rock category.

Meditative Motivative by Keith Stewart (Compact Disc Digital Audio)

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'On My Mind' from Meditative Motivative has appeared in the following One Media® YouTube video:

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