One Media® presents
July 1987 Live

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Recorded live, Thursday, July 9, 1987 noon-1pm at the Allen Street Stage of the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts

1. Bag Existence (cut-in in-progress)
2. Art For War Sake
3. Baby Wanna Milk Bone/ERAR
4. Mingnu
5. Endorphin Jam (cut-off at end, but really cookin')

Scott Stuart, 1st guitar, drum & rhythm synth programming.
Mike Burro, 2nd deep fuzz guitar
'Cosmic' Ray Cromie, Bass
Keith 'Zig' Stewart, SIDnth I keyboard and percussion loop synthesizer, Juno

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Tunes from July 1987 Live have appeared in the following One Media® YouTube videos: (newest to oldest order)

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