One Media® Associated Artist:
Keith 'Zig' Stewart

Keith 'Zig' Stewart

profile image - Keith 'Zig' Stewart

Musician, Composer, Performer, Digital Artist, Music Video Producer

Keith 'Zig' Stewart played piano since age nine, starting with classical private lessons, his interest naturally grew to encompass also Rock and Electronic music with bands from age fourteen to more eclectic and Jazz improvisation ensembles into his adult life. First exposure to Electronic Music came at age fifteen by building a mini Moog-like kit synthesizer, the PAiA Gnome. His training also includes formal study in improvisation, with a particular emphasis in Bebop. Enjoying Jazz and recording music, he experienced dozens of hours of recording improvisational music with the many members of bands he's played with. Keith produced Art for War's Sake (on 12 inch vinyl) in 1987 by the band, " i.e. " on the now defunct label "Quick Release". That album featured music created with the 'SIDnth', a synthesizer Keith designed and built while attending college.

Out of college he attempted the entrepreneurial pursuit of becoming a synthesizer manufacturer. Afterwards he moved to Los Angeles in pursuit of studio musician/engineer work. In the early to mid 1990's he produced two solo compact discs. Both CD's feature the music he composed originally on piano between the ages of 17 and 23. Self-Realization, departs into a sound similar to Progressive Rock away from the pure electronic textures of "Art for War's Sake". Meditative Motivative originated in the same era only Keith indexed the pieces for greater accessibility and most rough edges have smoothed due to MIDI recording capabilities.

In 1991 he formed the One Media® label for the release of his two solo CD's, and later rolled the works of Quick Release, by then defunct, into the Artists and Repertoires of One Media®. He appears on all but one of the albums and a few of the videos featured throughout the One Media® web site, and is now poised to continue on a prolific path of publishing digital content in vivid color and sound in the form of unique, eclectic, One Media® music videos.

Zig has produced over 170 YouTube videos and has appeared personally in several as in the following two: (newest to oldest order)

You can email Zig directly for One Media® business, artistic/aesthetic, or personal inquiries at the administrative email address with the user id 'info' ...
You can see Zig's weekly posts at One Media® on Google+

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